Implant Dentistry

With the use of dental implants, many patients can regain the look and health of their teeth and smile. This process is unique to the dentures of the past and offers a long list of benefits. Dental implants are designed to screw into the jawbone, giving the patient the same function they enjoyed when the original tooth was in place. Additionally, with the more in depth placement, there are no worries about dentures slipping, food particles becoming stuck underneath, and a host of other issues many traditional denture patients face. Dental implants also make it easier to maintain overall dental and gum health.
Qualified dentists, like Dr. Leung, are equipped to evaluate your specific needs, create a treatment plan, and start the process to placing your new, almost better than the originals, teeth. If you are ready to have the smile you were born, call today for a consultation with an experienced team, led by a knowledgeable dentist today.